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Launch of Lucknow University Consultancy Clinic ‘PARAMARSH’ University of Lucknow

Launch of L U ‘PARAMARSH

LUCC for PARAMARSH was launched by Prof. Alok Kumar Rai, Vice Chancellor of University of Lucknow on 30th January 2021 at 3:30pm in the Committee Room University of Lucknow, Lucknow amidst a number of guests from industries and academia.
Professor Alok Kumar Rai, Vice Chancellor, addressed the gathering and expressed his gratitude for the support shown by the attendees. He began by giving an overview of the achievements of the faculty and students of the University. He shared his vision for PARAMARSH as a linkage between business, social organizations and the university. He expressed the need for companies to reach out for consultation regarding various services. He highlighted the expertise of faculty members of the University by sharing anecdotes whereby their assistance was of immense help to cut down costs. He stated that trust, credibility and results being the foundation of PARAMARSH.
‘LUCC for PARAMARSH’ stands for ‘Lucknow University Consultancy Clinic Provides Analytical Review with Audited and Measured Assistance and Recommendation for Sustained Handholding’. LUCC will be providing consultancy services to a wide range of organizations such as private and public sector organizations, government departments and agencies, non-government organizations, co-operative societies and financial institutions. LUCC will advise the clients in designing, implementing, measuring, analyzing, evaluating and reviewing policies, processes, practices and systems in various functional areas of their operations.

The University of Lucknow has a large pool of learned teachers in various departments with expertise in various functional areas of marketing, finance, managerial accounts, human resource management, law, strategy, psychology, economics, etc.
Dr Ritu Narang, Assistant Professor of Department of Business Administration and Director, Paramarsh welcomed everyone and briefed them of the tenets of PARANARSH with the help of a power point presentation. Dr. Narang also highlighted the scope of PARAMARSH and the nature of services offered by the Consultancy Clinic.
Many guests from various industrial, trade and management organizations such as ASSOCHAM, Lucknow Management Association, Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Company Secretary of India, Confederation of Indian Industries UP for Young India. Some of these guests will be Mr. Vijay Acharya President ASSOCHAM, Dr Harbhajan Singh, Retired IPS officer, currently advisor of ASSOCHAM, Mr. Pravin Dwivedi Senior VP, Lucknow Management Association, Dr Rajan Johri, CA Raveesh Chaudhary, Secretary Lucknow Branch of ICAI, Mr. Kiron Chopra, Mr. Gaurav Prakash had attended the function. Some of them offered a number of suggestions regarding services and legal aspects of PARAMARSH.
Four client organizations registered by paying a DD of Rs. 500 as registration fees. Representatives of the client organizations were present at the time of inaugural namely-
S.No. Organization Name of the representatives
1 King George’s Medical University (KGMU) Prof. Divya Mehrotra, Dean, Quality Control
2. Mayfair Travels Mr. Sharad Tharani, MD
3. Prahan Solution Service Provider to NPFCs Mr. Saurabh Singh, Owner
4. Anagh Mishra and Associates, Advocates and Solicitors Advocate Anagh Mishra, Partner
The event came to a close with the vote of thanks by Dr Narang followed by the National Anthem and a group photograph.

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