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CA students Mega Conference “Ahvahan” : Gyan ka Mahakumbh

Prayagraj Branch of CIRC of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India organised 2 days CA students Mega Conference, Ahvahan : Gyan ka Mahakumbh, hosted by the Board of Studies, ICAI at Golden Jubilee Auditorium, Prayagraj on 4th and 5th January, 25.

The conference was inaugurated by Justice S. D. Singh of Honorable Allahabad High Court. In his inaugural address, he appreciated the role of Chartered accountants in the development of the Indian economy. As guiding principles to the students, he emphasized on devotion, hard work and sincerity. CA Mamta Gupta introduced the chief guest and conducted the session. Branch chairman CA Gaurav Mishra welcomed the Chief Guest, members, motivational speakers for the different sessions and the students from all over the country.

The first Technical Session was on Income Tax which was chaired by CA Dr. Navin C Agrawal. In the session, Rishabh Jain from Mumbai presented a paper on Carbon Credit Trading Taxation, Antara Pandey from Indore presented a paper on Vivad se Vishwas Scheme 2.0 and Somita Majumdar from Ranchi presented on Tax Holidays and Incentives for new Age Businesses. CA Ajay Agrawal, CA Alok Agrawal and CA Vinay Goel, all Past Chairman, were the judges. Presentation of Antara Pandey was adjudged the best. CA Akash Kandoi from Mumbai through his presentation gave a motivational talk and encouraged the CA students with his own experience not to be nervous from failure in CA exam. and study with full zeal and enthusiasm. In concluding remarks session chairman, CA Navin C Agrawal, Regional Best Branch Chairman in 1996-97, put forth his views about the topics discussed namely, carbon-pollution, earlier Schemes of Settlement of tax cases announced by the Government and background of provisions inserted in the Income Tax Act about startups.

He drew attention towards economic development and Bharat securing 5th position from 11th in the world. Income Tax department is going faceless for the benefit of the assessees. AI will be largely used in the times to come in governance of the country. He explained the importance of Articleship training in the profession as backbone. Branch Chairman said about limitations of small cities but with the use of technology things are improving.

Past Chairman and secretary CA Rajesh Kumar Pandey, Vice Chairman CA Sushil Kumar Shukla and CICASA Chairman CA Nidhi Agrawal were congratulated for the organisation of the Conference alongwith Chairman CA Gaurav Mishra. Conference was graced by the presence of CCM Prakash Sharma, CCM Dr. Raj Kumar Aadukia and Js. Kshitiz Shailendra. CA Bhanwar Borana, CA Shubham Keswani, CA Mohit Jain, CA Priya Jain, CA Nishant Garg also delivered the motivational talk.

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