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“Mastering Transmission of Sentences” book released

Dileep Sinha  writes

Dear Friends,

My daughter’s new book

“Mastering Transmission of Sentences” is released. 

Please do show your support! 

Dileep Sinha

Sr. Journalist 


UP State Accredited Correspondent Commeetee

The author of the book Mrs Priyanka Pathak says about her newly released book:

“I am thrilled to announce the release of my new book, Mastering Transformation of Sentences! This book is a culmination of hard work, passion, and dedication, and I am so grateful to God, my loving husband Devendra Pathak and my amazing family for their unwavering support throughout this journey.

I truly believe this book is the perfect resource for students, and I encourage everyone to grab a copy! It’s available now on Amazon—click the link https://amzn.in/d/iCru884 to get your order.

Thank you to all who have supported me, and to my readers, I hope this book helps you achieve greater success in mastering sentence transformations. Let’s take your English skills to the next level!”

📖 Available on Amazon: https://amzn.in/d/iCru884

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